

We are all born with the necessary equipment to access innate intelligence (otherwise known as source or universal energy). This intelligence is what animates us and orchestrates the dynamic flow of life in, around, and between all beings.

As we navigate this world in its current state, which is largely disconnected and unconscious, we learn to shut down our connection to innate. This happens when we deny our true feelings, thoughts, and desires for the comfort of others and the perceived safety that comes with blending in to society. This denial of our true nature causes dis-ease in our bodies since we are operating out of alignment with innate intelligence. A whole host of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual illnesses occur due to this separation and distortion of our true being. Often these illnesses are diagnosed and blamed as the cause of our suffering. These illnesses are then numbed or masked in order to sustain comfort. These illnesses are in fact signs of a functional nervous system which is sending out distress signals that we have strayed from our truest nature—alignment with innate.

Network chiropractic addresses this disconnection from source energy with gentle, efficient precision. This technique helps to restore the flow of innate throughout our bodies. Most of us have had a lifetime of learned coping strategies and stored trauma which can be spontaneously released. Without the interference our bodies no longer need to express illness and pain as a symptom or warning sign. We are free to return to our birthright of abundant connection and universal flow.

If you are new to network care, this is a gentle form of chiropractic that helps to unwind spinal cord tension patterns through a series of contacts along the spine. While many healing modalities address the symptoms of spinal cord tension (also known as “adverse mechanical cord tension”), this system addresses the spinal cord tension itself. As a result of this type of nervous system reorganization more energy becomes available where it was previously bound as cord tension.

If you would like to read more about network spinal, here are some articles:

A new patient intake is required for network care to assess your current status and create a treatment plan tailored to you. Follow up Network chiropractic sessions are 30 minutes in length.


Booty-Core Care